
The IACA depends on committees and appointed positions (committees of one) to accomplish most of its major goals. The IACA Bylaws establish certain permanent standing committees as well as special committees for projects.

Each committee receives a charter that spells out its goals, restrictions, resources, and guidelines. Charters are intended to give committees guidance and parameters in the absence of day-to-day management from the Executive Board.

The IACA currently has the following committees and appointed positions. If you would like to contribute to any of the committees, please contact the respective chairperson.


Sean Rambaran, Chair

The Bylaws Committee ensures congruency between the IACA Bylaws and other IACA publications and offers guidance regarding parliamentary procedure to the IACA Executive Board.


Kimm Barnes, Chair

The Certification Committee oversees, maintains, and develops the IACA’s certification and recertification programs (Certified Law Enforcement Analyst (CLEA) and Law Enforcement Analysis – Foundation (LEAF)), providing a solid mechanism for IACA members to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Patricio Tudela, Chair

The Chapters Committee supports the development and creation of IACA Chapters, to enable local implementation of IACA services including training and certification.


Lisa Marie Morrissette, Co-Chair

Donna Sita, Co-Chair

The Conference Committee’s mission is to provide exemplary crime and intelligence analysis training, networking, activities, discussion, and social events for the members of the IACA.  Attendance at the annual conference will result in sending attendees back to their agencies refreshed, energized, and full of new ideas, tools, and processes to apply to their daily work and to their agency’s success.


Rhea-Lyn Gerstenkorn, Chair

The Election Committee coordinates and administers an annual election process for IACA Executive Board positions in a fair and impartial manner consistent with the IACA Bylaws and detailed guidelines set forth by the committee. 


Vacant, Chair

The Ethics Committee provides an impartial review and offers recommendations for all reports of ethical grievances made concerning IACA members and projects.

International Symposium

Annie Mitchell, Chair

The Symposium Committee plans and runs the IACA’s annual spring symposium, a two-day event held each year outside the United States.


Seth Potts, Chair

The Logistics Committee coordinates the inventory, shipment, and storage of the IACA Booth and other merchandise and promotes the IACA brand by running the store.

Mail Assistant

Morgan VanSlyke, Chair

The Mail Assistant works alongside the IACA Treasurer to process the IACA’s postal mail and [email protected] email inbox in an efficient and reliable manner.


Mike Winslow, Chair

The Marketing Committee works to promote a cohesive and recognizable IACA brand and ensures that all official IACA communications are professional, accurate, and consistent in their messaging.   


Rachel Carson, Chair

The Membership Committee supports the membership goals of the Vice President of Membership to maximize IACA membership globally through targeted recruitment and retention efforts, and provide an efficient service to our members in respect of onboarding, renewals, addressing membership related queries and translation.

There are several subcommittees under the Membership Committee:

  • Latin American Division
  • European Division
  • Canadian Division
  • Translation


Michael JacksonChair

The Mentoring Committee strives to provide a structured, sustainable system by which IACA members receive advice and support from veteran analysts helping them to excel in their careers and to apply the best practices and standards in our field.

Regional Associations 

Erin Wickersham, Chair

The Regional Associations Committee (RAC) strives to improve communication between regional crime and intelligence associations and the IACA by providing guidance and recommendations for regionals associations and helping to establish new regional associations within their geographic areas.


Manny San Pedro, Co-Chair

Jennifer Loper, Co-Chair

The Technology Committee’s mission is to provide a robust platform for the exchange of information and ideas via a comprehensive website while anticipating the needs and researching technology solutions for the future of the association.


Kyle Stoker, Chair

The training committee’s mission is to develop and deliver high-quality cutting-edge training to the IACA’s membership in a cost-effective manner.