Bryan Hill Memorial Scholarship Award Nominees

The Bryan Hill Memorial Scholarship Award was created to recognize an individual who embodies the same “Spirit of Service” for which Bryan was well known. Members are nominated for contributing to the professional success of another, or many, by sharing knowledge, examples, and/or time freely and selflessly. 

The following members were nominated for this award. In addition to the original nomination, the Awards & Recognition Committee is seeking supporting narratives, especially specific examples and details of how these nominees provided answers, ideas, examples and knowledge to other members who have posed questions or sought out information or help from members of the IACA. Nominees are listed in alphabetical order by last name. 


Mindy Duong
Statistical Analyst IV, Colorado Department of Public Safety
Mindy is one of the most humble and hardest working analysts I know. She has a passion for helping the next generation of analysts as demonstrated through her volunteering on the Analyst Mentoring Program and developing a new IACA class (Bridging the Gap) that is targeted towards career preparation for new analysts.  In addition Mindy co-created the Law Enforcement Analysis Podcasts with Jason Elder to help share analysts stories and promote the crime analysis profession. Mindy is a constant advocate and cheerleader for analysts.

Noemi Eckhoff
Associate Advisor, Center for Naval Analysis (CNA)
Noemi Eckhoff is new to the field of Crime Analysis but has already shown exceptional leadership and dedication to the profession. In the last two years, specially in 2023, Noemi has acted as a mentor to new analysis, assisted others with training, connected multiple analysts to one another through networking socials, assisted others in searching for free trainings and/or job listings to aid them in the analytical careers, and has become truly engrained in the North Central Texas Analyst network. In addition to all these contributions, Noemi volunteered her time at the North Texas Fusion Center (NTFC) and assisted with OSINT data collection and threat monitoring. 

Luis Alejandro Rojas Rodriguez
Lawyer, Fiscalia General de la Nacion - Columbia
Throughout my career at the Attorney General's Office in Cúcuta, I have always been committed to strengthening my team's capacities and contributing to my colleagues' professional success through the selfless sharing of knowledge and resources. My focus has been to improve our technical skills and foster an environment of continuous learning and cooperation. I have organized multiple academic sessions, offered one-on-one mentoring, and promoted continuing education among my colleagues to raise the bar for criminal analysis and criminology within our institution. In my current computer crime working group, I have also tried to share my knowledge and constantly support my fellow investigators, experts, and prosecutors in their activities, sharing ideas, learning, and training in different topics of computer crimes for the management and promotion of investigations. 
Click here to read the original submission in Spanish

Jennifer Satterwhite
Criminal Analyst, Homeland Security Investigations
When I moved to the state of Virginia two years ago, Jennifer made sure I felt welcomed and answered every question that I pestered her in a professional capacity with excitement. From a professional standpoint, Jennifer has always responded timely to requests and has been extremely helpful. Jennifer is not only the President of the Virginia Crime Analysis Network (VCAN), Mentor to Analysts, RAC representative, and amazing with her creative talents for IACA Marketing, she truly cares about the field of analysis which anyone who knows her can see. Jennifer has transformed and made great efforts with such an uplifting attitude in the state of Virginia.

Submit Support

To submit a supporting narrative for a listed nominee, email [email protected]. Include the nominee's name as well as a narrative, stories, and/or files (pdf, jpeg, MP4, WMV, AVI files only) to demonstrate how the member has assisted others. You may submit support for more than one nominee. Supporting narratives will be accepted until July 5, 2024.