Certification FAQ

Below are commonly asked questions regarding the IACA certification exams. If after reviewing this FAQ you have other questions,  contact [email protected].

I want to take the LEAF exam. How does that work and how do I sign up? 

The LEAF exam is offered in three different ways:

  1.  In Person and proctored at your law enforcement agency or education institution. 
  2.  Online and proctored by a member of the IACA Certification Committee. Exams are held on the third Friday of January, April, July and October.
  3.  In Person and proctored at a hosting regional conference or at the annual IACA conference.

If you wish to take the LEAF exam, you need to email [email protected] and notify the committee on how you wish to test.  

If you plan to have the exam proctored at your own agency, you must provide an exam date & time, as well as contact information for your eligible proctor.

Be advised that some hosting regional conferences charge a nominal fee to help cover their costs in providing the exam.

What are the 2025 LEAF online exam dates? 

  • January 17, 2025
  • April 18, 2025
  • July 18, 2025
  • October 17, 2025

Who can serve as a proctor?

IACA recommends using someone from Human Resources, department Training Division or a professional proctor service to oversee your exam. The Certification Committee must pre-approve your proctor. You may not use another analyst or another member of the IACA, unless they have been preapproved by the Certification Committee.

How does someone proctor the exam? 

Proctors are requested to oversee the exam in an effort to protect the integrity of the test taking process. They are not required to assist the examinee with the exam.

Can I take the LEAF/CLEA exam online?

  • LEAF: Yes, we offer the LEAF exam online quarterly, using Zoom.
  • CLEA:  No. CLEA must be proctored in person. 

Do I have to have special software to take the exam? 

No.  All you need is an internet connection.  The testing platform is Moodle and does not require any downloads to use it. 

What languages are the exam in? 

At this time, we offer both LEAF and CLEA in English and Spanish.   We also have an international version of LEAF and CLEA available in English.  The international exams do not have questions that are specific to US terminology.

I did not pass my first exam. When can I retake it?  

You can take your second exam immediately. After the second exam, you must wait three (3) months in between exam attempts. There is no limit to the number of times you take the exam. 

How long does it take to get my CLEA application reviewed? 

We try to review applications within a few weeks; however, due to volunteer availability and the number of exams taken – this can sometimes take longer. If you have not heard anything from the committee after two weeks, please email [email protected] for an update.  

How long does it take to get my exam scored? 

We try to score exams in one to two weeks; however, due to volunteer availability and the number of exams taken – this can sometimes take longer.   

Do you have any practice exams? 

We are in the process of building practice exams and will notify the membership when they are available.

Does IACA provide training to help prepare for the certification exams?

There are multiple online classes to assist with exam preparation. A 12-part Certification Series is also available in the Webinar Library here. To view the certification training roadmap below, click here