Training Series FAQ

The FAQs on this page are for the overall training program or are universal to all classes. Please see the following pages for specific formats: Webinars and 12-week online classes.

How can I contact you? Is there a phone number I can call?

The best way to reach someone from the Training Committee is to email us at [email protected]. Messages sent to that address will reach multiple members of the committee, but please note we are all volunteers with full time jobs, so we won’t respond instantly. We do our best to respond within 24 hours (on week days). We prefer to conduct all business over email if possible, but if the situation is complex then we can arrange a phone call. Please note that we absolutely cannot accept payment over the phone.

Can you send me a W9?

A current W9 is available in the main menu, under About

What classes does the IACA Training Series offer? Where should I start?

The IACA Training Series currently consists of a mix of in-person courses, 12-week online classes, and webinars. In-person classes include:

  • Tactical Crime Analysis
  • Computer Applications for Crime Analysis
  • Microsoft Access for Crime Analysis
  • Problem Analysis

There are fifteen 12-week online classes:

  • Career Preparation: Bridging the Gap - Everything Up to Day One
  • Administrative & Strategic Analysis
  • Crime Mapping I: GIS Fundamentals
  • Crime Mapping II: Foundations of Web GIS
  • Reducing Local Crime with Risk Terrain Modeling
  • Fundamentals of Crime Analysis (also available in Spanish, on demand for a group of 10+)
  • Criminal Investigative Analysis
  • Serial Offenders: Analysis & Investigation
  • Essential Skills I & II
  • Advanced Analytical Methods for Microsoft Office
  • Crime Analysis for Small Jurisdictions
  • Crime Analysis for Supervisors: Optimizing Analytical Function in Policing
  • Problem Analysis
  • Pattern Analysis for Law Enforcement Analysts

All of these classes were developed by crime analysts who have significant experience with the subject matter and training and currently work in the field of crime analysis. Each class is a mixture of lecture, hands-on exercises and a final project. Webinars are 60-90 minute sessions, lecture style, held online that cover a variety of topics. If you're not sure what class you should start with, or if you're interested in either IACA Certification (LEAF or CLEA) and want to know which classes will help you prepare, please see this page

How can I find the IACA Training Series class schedule for this year?

Refer to the course catalog for a list of all IACA Training Series classes, their dates and locations. By clicking in the link for each class, you can read the course description along with information on the location, instructor and course materials. You can also find out how many seats are left in each class.

How can I register for an IACA Training Series course?

Students can register for an IACA Training Series class by visiting the Training Series page for the appropriate type (in-person, online, or webinar). All registrations are handled online and payments can be made using a credit card, money order, or check. You can register on behalf of someone else, as well as up to five people at once. Please note however, that if you register a group of people, the additional names will be charged the non-member price, so it's best to have individual members register themselves. 

We do offer a bulk discount if you have more than 10 or more students for your agency/organization. Please contact the Training Committee at [email protected] for details and to register a group. The size of the discount is dependent on the size of the group.

About the Continuing Education section in your member profile

You can access the Continuing Education section of your member profile by signing in to the website, then choosing "My Profile" and then "Training Record." 

Once there, you can use the controls on the left to filter and sort based on date or type. You can also export a PDF document for your training department/agency based on the applied filters. Please note that CEUs are only awarded under the following circumstances:

  • Online students who successfully passed the class. Payment must be received by the IACA.
  • In person students who attended the class. Payment must be received by the IACA.
  • Webinar students who registered and attended the live session or watched the recording (if the class is recorded). Payment must be received by the IACA. Students who watch a video in the webinar library are not eligible to receive CEUs but can request a certificate through the link on the library page.

The CEU section of the member profiles is still being built out as of Winter 2024/2025. That data did not import over from previous versions of the website, but it is maintained offline by the Training Committee. It is a slow process to upload that data for each class. As we complete other tasks regarding the website, we will add historical training and conference data. Click here to see the up-to-date list of all classes that have been awarded CEUs. 

If you need your training record immediately before we get the CEU section backfilled, please contact the Training Committee at [email protected]. Likewise, if you become a member after attending training as a non-member, contact us and we will backfill your profile.

If you believe you should have received CEUs for a class but did not, contact the Training Committee at [email protected] with the details of the class and we will look into the matter. Please keep in mind that we will not award CEUs unless the IACA has received your payment for the class.

We do not award CEUs for training provided by regional associations, law enforcement agencies, or other entities. Only IACA training and conferences will reward CEUs in your member profile.

Beginning in 2023, we have transitioned to CEUs as proof-of-training rather than certificates, although you will still be able to request a certificate should you need or want one. 

How are the classes structured?

Instructors lecture, conduct hands-on practical exercises and then oversee the students’ final projects. Students use data/examples provided by the instructor, and in some classes, students may be encouraged to use their own data or agency specific examples. For each class students receive work books and/or materials that contain lecture notes, exercises and resources on the subject matter.

Are the IACA classes POST certified?

Unfortunately, no. We are an international association and our students come from all 50 US states plus dozens of other countries. We don’t have the time or resources to meet the POST requirements of each individual state. 

How much does an IACA Training Series class cost?

IACA member rates are $445 per student, per class and non-IACA member rates are $520 per student, per class. Webinars are $15 for members and $30 for non-members. Occasionally, we offer free webinars as well. The price will be clearly labeled for each course.

Can I pay for IACA training classes using the GI Bill/ArmyIgnitED/similar?

Typically, no. We are a professional association, not an accredited university or college and we do not award degrees. 

Can I pay for a class over the phone?

No, we cannot accept your payment details over the phone nor should you email your credit card info. You can pay online using a credit/debit card, or you can mail a check or money order. If you need your invoice, you can find it in your member profile on the website. For help, please email us at [email protected].

When do I have to pay for the class and what if I have to cancel my registration?

Payments for IACA classes must be received 10 business days prior to the first day of class. If you wish to register but are within the 10 day window, or know your agency will not be able to make the payment in time, please contact us at [email protected] as we’re willing to be flexible with you. Student cancellations/withdrawals from class must be received by the Training Series Coordinator via email 15 business days prior to the first day of class. We are happy to flexible with you as long as you communicate with us! Once a class has started, refunds will not be given, but you may transfer to a later session or different topic at the discretion of the Training Director and depending on seating availability in the target class. However, please note that you cannot transfer to a later class and then request a refund on the basis that the new class hasn't started yet. 

While we are flexible with regards to the due date for online classes, registrations totaling over a thousand dollars must be paid in advance. 

Training substitutions can be made of another student from the same agency, but written notification must be made to the Training Coordinator via email. If a cancellation or withdrawal occurs within the 15 day period, class tuition will not be refunded to a student/agency and cannot be applied to future IACA classes. Exceptions to this cancellation policy can only be made by the Training Series Coordinator on a case by case basis.

If you fail to participate in any class, your registration fee will not be refunded. Students will be removed from 12-week classes and their registration cancelled if they have not logged in to Moodle by the end of Week 4. If you fail to participate in two or more classes, you forfeit the option to "pay later" for a training class and future registrations will be denied and you will not be granted access to the class until we receive payment. 

How were the IACA Training Series courses developed?

The core IACA Training Series courses were developed in conjunction with the IACA certification process. The Certification Committee developed specific skill set areas to test analysts through the certification process. The IACA Training Series committee took these skill sets and created five core course outlines to address these specific topics. Curriculum developers were then selected based upon their crime analysis experience, specific skill knowledge and their teaching/curriculum development experience. These curriculums were developed so that, regardless of the instructor, students will receive the same skill set instruction to prepare for the certification exam. Additional classes have been added as the profession as evolved and to meet specific needs and requests from the membership.

Which classes will prepare me to take the IACA certification exam?

All IACA classes will prepare students to take the IACA certification exam, however the online classes Essential Skills I and II were specifically designed to prep for the exam. Each of the classes cover specific skill sets tested during the certification exam. Please note students who take any IACA training series classes will not automatically be qualified to take the certification exam. In order to take the test, students must complete the certification application and meet a minimum number of points, based on work experience, education and other factors. Please visit the IACA Certification page for more information on this process.

What are the requirements to host an IACA Training Series class?

Host agencies/associations must provide either a computer lab (for Tactical Crime Analysis, Computer Applications, and MS Access) or a lecture/meeting room (Problem Analysis) for each class. Computer labs must have a minimum of 14 computers (not counting the instructor computer) and lecture/meetings rooms must seat 20 students comfortably.

Computer-based courses held in a computer lab have specific software requirements. If an agency decides to host a Tactical Crime Analysis class or Computer Applications class, the computer lab must be equipped with Microsoft Office 2010 or higher. 

Training Classrooms/computer labs must be equipped with a laptop computer and projector for the instructor. The room must also have a dry erase board, Smartboard or flip charts for use by the instructor. The training facility must have ample parking and must be located near hotels and dining.

In order to host a class, the host agencies/associations must have 12 paid students registered for the class 15 business days prior to the first day of the class. If an agency has not met this minimum, the class may be cancelled. For every 9 paid students in the class, the host agency/association will receive one free seat in the class. If a host agency has 18 paid students registered for the class, the host agency will receive 2 free seats.

The IACA will not open up classes to more than 20 students. If the host agency/association requests a larger class size, an additional cost for a class/lab assistant will be assessed.

If you would like to host a class, please fill out this form and a member of the Training Committee will be in touch.

Which classes are held in a computer lab?

Tactical Crime Analysis, Computer Applications and MS Access for Crime Analysis are taught in a computer lab. If the training facility does not have a computer lab, then students can be required to provide their own laptops, however, this must be established in advance. Although Problem Analysis is a lecture cours, students are encouraged to bring laptops to access the internet, Microsoft Word and other applications that apply to the course materials.

Why should my local crime analysis association host an IACA Training Series class?

The benefit of a regional association hosting the IACA Training Series classes is twofold. First, crime analysts from agencies with little or no training budget can attend local, quality crime analysis training. Second, the local crime analysis association builds a partnership with the IACA and establishes a relationship for future training, lectures or conferences. In addition, local associations that host IACA Training Series classes split the class profit with the IACA. Several local associations have made $1,000+ for their association by hosting IACA classes. Lastly, local associations can offer their free seat(s) to local association members who may not have a training budget. Any local/regional association that is recognized by the IACA can co-host a class with us! 

Will the IACA develop additional classes in the future?

Yes! The IACA is constantly reviewing it’s course offerings. If there are topics you are interested in seeing developed into Specialty Topic Classes please contact us with your ideas.

How can I become an IACA Training Series instructor?

Learn more about the requirements to become an instructor and download the application packet here: IACA Instructor Application Program.