Training Series RoadmapThe IACA Training Series currently consists of a mix of in-person courses, 12-week online classes, and webinars. Refer to the course catalog for a list of all IACA Training Series classes, their dates and locations. All of our classes were developed by crime analysts who have significant experience with the subject matter and training and currently work in the field of crime analysis. Each class is a mixture of lecture, hands-on exercises and a final project. Webinars are 60-90 minute sessions, lecture style, held online that cover a variety of topics. If you're not sure what class you should start with, or if you're interested in either IACA Certification (LEAF or CLEA) and want to know which classes will help you prepare, please see this document. In-person classes include:
In-person classes can be provided on demand to groups of 10 or more. Contact the Training Committee at [email protected] for more details on hosting an in-person class. There are fifteen 12-week online classes: *Also available in Spanish on demand for groups of 10 or more. | También disponible en español bajo demanda para grupos de 10 personas o más. All IACA classes will prepare students to take the IACA certification exam, however the online classes Essential Skills I and II were specifically designed to prep for the exam. Each of the classes cover specific skill sets tested during the certification exam. Please note students who take any IACA training series classes will not automatically be qualified to take the certification exam. In order to take the test, students must complete the certification application and meet a minimum number of points, based on work experience, education and other factors. These classes are not required in order to take either the LEAF or CLEA exams. To see how each class lines up with the skill sets for both LEAF and CLEA, please view this document. Please visit the IACA Certification page for more information on certification. |
Tue Mar 4, 2025Seminario web gratuito: El Rol del Criminólogo como Analista Delictual: Estrategias Metodológicas en el Aula Category: Training |
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