Evaluation and Measuring PerformanceMeasuring and evaluating the work of a crime analyst can be a difficult task. Unlike patrol officers, analysts do not have clearly-defined performance metrics such as citations, directed patrols, arrests, etc. The following guidelines are intended to provide ideas about how you can develop an evaluation program for your crime analysts. Why track analyst activity?There are several reasons why this is important:
Types of MetricsYou can measure the quantity of items as one measure of performance. For example, you can track the number of:
Quantity vs TimeIn addition to counting the number of items, it is important to record the amount of time spent. Just as one robbery case is more time consuming than one burglary case, analyst work can vary as well. While some activities are consistent and finite (briefings are generally 20 minutes, ride-alongs are eight hours, etc.), some are not. An in-depth pattern analysis bulletin will take much longer than a ‘wanted subject’ bulletin, so it is helpful to track the amount of time spent in addition to the number of items completed. A Word of CautionQuantity does not mean quality. Just because an analyst produces a high number of bulletins does not mean they are performing at a high level. Likewise, an analyst that does not produce many bulletins does not mean they are under-performing. You must actively review the work product to determine if it meets department standards and objectives. Requested vs Self-Initiated ActivityA useful distinction can be made between activity that is self-generated versus activity that is requested of the analyst. This can help assess whether your analyst(s) are acting in a proactive or reactive capacity. For example, analysts can be more proactive when they are producing crime pattern bulletins before a request is made. Analysts that routinely (or exclusively) respond to requests for bulletins are working in a reactive mode. Documenting ActivityThere is a delicate balance between documenting necessary work projects and creating a burden on the analyst. For example, it is unreasonable to create a system that documents every minute of an analyst’s work day, just as it is unreasonable to do the same for other employees. To prevent analysts from spending an inordinate amount of time documenting information that will never be used, it is suggested that you follow this guideline for developing an evaluation system:
Sample Activity Tracking FormsThe forms below demonstrate different ways analysts record and document their work.
Required LogsIt is an NCIC requirement that all criminal history inquiries be logged by the analyst. In addition, most states require driver’s license queries to be documented as well. While these do not help assess performance, they do provide insight into the nature of requests made of crime analysts. Analysis Unit Development Center |
Tue Mar 4, 2025Seminario web gratuito: El Rol del Criminólogo como Analista Delictual: Estrategias Metodológicas en el Aula Category: Training |
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