Crime Mapping II: Foundations of Web GIS

Course Language: English
Register Here-2024
Register Here-2025


  • September 30-December 20, 2024 (SOLD OUT)
  • January 6-March 28, 2025
  • April 7-June 27, 2025
  • July 7-September 26, 2025
  • October 6-December 26, 2025

Please note that the 'Sold Out' label is manually updated and may not reflect current availability. For the most accurate information, refer to the registration form; if a class does not appear on the form, it is sold out.

Description & Computer Requirements

Crime mapping has become a fundamental skill for crime and intelligence analysts to learn and integrate into daily routines. With the increased use of cloud-based applications, more agencies are going to a cloud-based GIS to provide maps and apps within the entire organization and the community. This course will provide training on foundational tools and techniques that are used in ArcGIS’s cloud-based systems – either ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. Students will learn how to create a web map, add relevant data layers to the web map, and create web apps that will guide agencies in using data-driven decision-making. The lessons will enable you to make GIS a part of your everyday practice. As part of your registration, you will be provided a license to ArcGIS Online for the duration of the class + 6 weeks (for a total of 18 weeks). 

By the end of the course, students should be able to achieve the following goals:

  • Explain basic concepts of cloud-based GIS
  • Publish data as hosted feature layers
  • Create web maps for visualization and analysis of data
  • Configure web applications to provide information and intelligence to various law enforcement stakeholders

Computer Requirements

IACA will provide the licensing for ArcGIS Online. You will need an internet connection and web browser to complete the coursework. The recommended browser is Google Chrome. All exercises will be written using Google Chrome. If you choose to use another browser (Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge), you may have slightly different instructions for some steps. It is not recommended to use Microsoft Explorer. The browser requirements for ArcGIS Online can be found here:
This class does NOT have basic computer requirements outside of an internet and web browser. 


This is an intermediate course. Students should have the following skills:

  • Understand how to use basic crime analysis computer applications (File Explorer, Excel, etc.)
  • Understand basic fundamental crime and/or intelligence analysis concepts
  • Produce charts, graphs, and reports that support departmental or CompStat-like operations
  • Have basic knowledge of statistics and research methodology

If you do not meet these requirements, it is recommended to enroll in Essential Skills I and II offered by the IACA first.

Students should expect a time commitment of 3-5 hours per week to gain a passing grade. Weeks 1-10 may include assigned readings or examples, discussions via a discussion board, and a weekly assignment that will consist of hands-on exercises using ArcGIS Online In week 12, students will complete a final assignment that applies the concepts learned in the course. Weekly participation and timely completion of assignments will result in a passing grade (class is pass/fail) and certificate of completion. The final assignment must be completed to receive a passing grade, as well as 80% of the assignments.

The course will be graded as a pass/fail. This is not a self-paced course; we will advance to each new topic week as a group. Students can login anytime to work as needed, there are no live sessions. Participation throughout the course is required for a passing grade. As a rule, bulk submissions of your work during the last week of class will not be accepted unless you have received prior authorization from the instructor. 

Invitations to the learning platform will be sent the week before class starts. For more information on how the 12-week online classes work, please see our FAQs page.

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