
The candidates below are running for the IACA Board positions of President and Treasurer. These roles include a three-year term. For more information or to interact with the candidates, visit the Elections Forum in Community (member login required).  

Voting Period:  September 16-October 15, 2024              

Voting link is available at the bottom of this page.

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Statements provided were optional and candidates had full creative freedom over content. 


A. BrunerAmanda Bruner

Crime Analysis Advisor
CNA Corporation


My name is Amanda K. Bruner, and I’ve dedicated my career to empowering crime analysts. Through various grant funded initiatives, I’ve had the privilege of working with and providing training to analysts from over two dozen departments. I’m running for IACA President to take IACA into the next generation.

As a founding board member and current President of the Carolinas Crime Analysis Association (CCAA), I have taken bold steps to expand our membership, collaborate with local universities, bring in nationally recognized experts for in-depth master classes, and strengthen our organization’s financial standing. My involvement with the IACA has been equally impactful, as I’ve been a member of the Regional Associations and Membership committees and was fortunate enough to co-author a chapter for the upcoming textbook.

Now, I’m asking for your support as I run for IACA President this Fall. If elected, I’m committed to ushering in a new era of transparency, where every IACA member will have clear insight into the association’s finances, structure, and values. I’ll lead the charge to modernize our training programs to make them more accessible to and relevant for analysts worldwide. Additionally, I’ll leverage our collective expertise to secure grant funding which will enable us to expand our impact and advance the field of crime analysis even further.

I’d be honored to have your vote. Together, we can pave the way for the next generation.

Professional Experience & Expertise

My name is Amanda K. Bruner, and I have worked in both the practitioner and academic realms to advance the field of crime analysis through applied expertise, leadership in innovation, and a commitment to developing the next generation of analysts. Currently, I serve as a crime analysis advisor in CNA’s Center for Justice Research Innovation supporting the Crime Analyst in Residence (CAR), Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), and Public Safety Partnership (PSP) grant programs, all of which are federally funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). In this role, I provide training and technical assistance to nearly two dozen law enforcement agencies across the United States, ranging from small and mid-sized departments to large urban organizations. I strive to develop and implement strategic plans to enhance their analytical capabilities. My technical expertise includes managing and integrating data from various sources, automating processes, and building out models in tools such as Power BI and ArcGIS to support advanced analysis.

Before joining CNA, I established the first crime analysis program for the Matthews Police Department in North Carolina. During my tenure, I spearheaded proactive crime reduction initiatives through Stratified Policing, automated reporting, and developed action-oriented products to support evidence-based strategies. Assisting the Criminal Investigations Division, I analyzed call detail records, Google data returns, and other data sources to develop complex link charts and offender workups. I also worked as a corporate intelligence specialist for Bank of America and as a part-time crime and intelligence analyst for the Michigan State University Police Department. I am an adjunct professor, currently teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in crime analysis for Radford University and UNC Charlotte. I hold a master’s degree in Law Enforcement Intelligence & Analysis and am a certified Microsoft Power Platform Architect.

Leadership & Involvement

As a founding board member of the Carolinas Crime Analysis Association (CCAA), I have actively contributed to the organization’s growth and development over the past four years. Starting as Treasurer and now serving as President, I have collaborated closely with the CCAA board to expand our membership to nearly 200 members. Together, we have introduced monthly webinars, established an online Power BI work group, and partnered with academic institutions to feature a student poster session at our most recent conference. We also launched technical masterclasses at the conference, contributing to its success, with 152 attendees—double the previous year’s turnout. In addition, we have changed our membership platform, converted our website, and significantly strengthened the organization’s financial standing by growing our reserves from a few hundred dollars to over $20,000.

My involvement with the International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA) has also been both rewarding and impactful. I previously served on the Regional Associations Committee (RAC) and now assist on the Membership Committee, where I process memberships, particularly group renewals. I've had the opportunity to share my expertise with fellow analysts through presentations at IACA conferences, hosting webinars, and contributing to the automation chapter in the upcoming edition of the IACA textbook. I am truly honored to have received the 2024 IALEIA Individual Award for Excellence and to be nominated for the 2024 IACA Membership Award.

Why I Am Running for IACA President

I am running for IACA President because I am passionate about our field and the impact we can have on public safety. In my work with various law enforcement agencies, I’ve seen consistent themes that highlight both the challenges and opportunities that analysts face. These experiences have strengthened my belief in the importance of professional development, transparency, and collaboration. I’ve witnessed how the right tools, training, and support can empower analysts to make a real difference in their communities. As President, I want to ensure every member has the resources and opportunities they need to excel, building a stronger, more inclusive IACA that reflects the diversity and dedication of our profession. Building on the processes and successes of the past, my platform is about moving IACA to the next level and the next generation, using our current foundation.

Campaign Platform

My campaign is built on the theme of Professionalism, with a focus on three key pillars:


  • Formal Processes: Implement a standardized, transparent process for all volunteer positions within the organization.
  • Open Governance: Make committee charters accessible to all members and provide a clear organizational chart of volunteer roles.
  • Accessible Meeting Minutes: Ensure members have prompt access to detailed minutes from board meetings, including decisions made between meetings, without requiring a request.
  • Financial Accountability: Increase the frequency and detail of financial reporting to the membership.
  • Administrative Support: Explore hiring a nonprofit business manager to enhance administrative efficiency and support the association’s operations. This position would be contingent on the reallocation of funds or securing of new funding sources.

 Technical Skills Development

  • Skill Pathways: Develop clear learning pathways for analysts at all levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
  • Critical Thinking and Technical Training: Ensure a comprehensive approach to analytical development by focusing on both critical thinking and technical skills.
  • Technical Certification: Introduce a technical certification that emphasizes practical application and real-world scenarios. This certification could stand alone, be broken into modular blocks, or be coupled with the existing CLEA exam.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Leverage public-private partnerships to enhance training opportunities for analysts considering that the private sector often drives the public sector toward cutting-edge technology and methodologies.
  • Foster Innovation: Promote innovation by advancing research on special topics, including AI and analyst wellness, to offer agencies forward-thinking recommendations.

 Outreach & Growth

  • Fix the Forums: Evaluate alternatives to the current forums to improve engagement considering the success of the previous listserv.
  • Grant Utilization: Leverage the association’s 501(c)(3) status to secure grants that can fund further initiatives and growth.
  • International Representation: Enhance representation for international members, particularly through support for the international symposium and partnerships with regional associations/chapters in the EMEA, LATAM, and APAC regions, to ensure global inclusivity.
  • Regional Training: Develop and implement training plans that cater to the unique needs of different global regions, moving beyond a U.S.-centric approach, with a focus on leveraging contacts and specialists in these areas, and increasing the translation of English materials to better serve non-English-speaking members.
  • Academic Outreach: Reinstate the Academic Outreach Committee to strengthen ties with educational institutions and foster future generations of analysts.

My vision is to enhance the legitimacy of our association and ensure that analysts are recognized as indispensable members of the law enforcement community. With your support and input, I am excited about the opportunity to jointly lead our association. 

Click here for a PDF of Amanda's statement.

Click here to watch Amanda's campaign video


J. SofleyJonathan Sofley

Crime Management Analyst
North Richland Hills Police Department


With an extensive career spanning over 19 years and a deep passion for advancing the field of Crime Analysis, I am the best person for the job of IACA President, committed to leveraging my wealth of experience, fostering innovation, and cultivating strong global connections to propel the IACA Board forward into a rapidly changing world where adaptability and transformative ideas are paramount.

  • 6 years as the Vice President of Administration for the Texas Law Enforcement Analyst Network (TXLEAN)
  • Deeply passionate about advancing the field of Crime Analysis in a rapidly changing world driven by technology
  • Enthusiastic about infusing fresh perspectives and fostering professionalism, transparency within the IACA community, while actively engaging with international members and regional associations for mutual growth


My journey in Crime Analysis commenced at the Austin Police Department, where I gained foundational knowledge from 2005 to 2010. Subsequently, I led the establishment of a Planning and Analysis division at the Dallas Independent School District Police Department from 2010 to 2021. In 2021, I undertook the revitalization of the Crime Analysis program at the North Richland Hills Police Department, transitioning it towards a data-driven approach to policing. Alongside my professional experience, I hold a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and a Master of Public Affairs.

Throughout my 19-year career journey, I've diligently cultivated my analytical skills to excel in my role. Learning from both my own and my peers' mistakes has been instrumental in my growth, enabling me to continually refine my approach to serving my department and organizations. I’ve been a member of the IACA since 2005 and TXLEAN since its inception in 2017.

During my 6-year tenure as Vice President of Administration at TXLEAN, I had the privilege of spearheading the establishment of this organization from inception. Working alongside a dedicated team, we developed a robust training program while consistently evaluating and refining our strategies based on outcomes. Our collaborative efforts led to significant growth for TXLEAN and garnered positive feedback for our training initiatives. This lead us from a modest first in person training event in 2018 of around 45 people in a single room to our last multi-day conference with 90 registrations with three separate tracks.

With the President of the International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA) position, I am eager to leverage this wealth of experience to drive positive change within the organization. My passion for the field of Crime Analysis fuels my commitment to fostering its growth and evolution, particularly in adapting to the evolving landscape of our world. If elected, I intend to bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the forefront of IACA's agenda.

I want to work with our board and members to strengthen the ties with international members and enhance engagement among all members will be paramount. I would also like to see involvement in our forums and mentoring program grow. This includes finding mentors and mentees outside of North America to help foster the growth of our international members.

My goal is to promote professionalism and transparency within the Board and the wider IACA community. I plan on the creation of a committee to put together a new Strategic Plan for the IACA so that we can continue looking at ways to be efficient and supportive as an organization. My objective will be to work with the board and our members to drive the organization forward. I am committed to actively listening to the needs and ideas of our membership, ensuring that IACA continues to provide valuable support and resources. Additionally, I aim to continue to robust partnerships with the Regional Associations Committee and Regional Associations, fostering collaboration and mutual growth.

Drawing from my extensive experience and regional board engagements, I am well-equipped to contribute to the progressive evolution of the IACA. I hope to earn your vote this year and become your next IACA President. 

Click here for a PDF of Jonathan's statement.  

Click here to watch Jonathan's campaign video


K. Lottman

Kristen Lottman

Crime Analyst
Mesa Police Department


My name is Kristen Lottman, and I am running for IACA Treasurer.  Below explains why I am a good candidate for this position.

Professional Work History

I am currently a working crime analyst for the Mesa, AZ Police Department.  I started with the department in the late 1990’s as an intern and was fortunate enough to be placed in the Crime Analysis Unit.  I had never heard of this profession but with the help of some amazing analyst mentors, I developed exciting skills and a newfound love for what analysts contribute to public safety. 

Throughout my 2 plus decades as a crime analyst, I have been able to work across several areas of my department, including patrol districts, chief’s office, Real Time Crime Center, and criminal investigations.  I thrive when taking on new initiatives and believe that it is a significant factor in why I still love going to work every day.

Regional Association History

Over the course of my career, I have had the pleasure of serving several terms on the board for the Arizona Association of Crime Analysts (AACA).  Two of my terms were in the role of treasurer and one of the most rewarding parts in that assignment was contributing to the startup of AACA’s nonprofit status.  My attention to detail and desire for fiscal accountability make me a strong candidate for a treasury role.  Coincidentally, in between serving terms on the AACA’s board, I was elected to be the treasurer for the PTO at my kids’ school.  I have the skills necessary to serve the IACA well in this capacity.

IACA History

I have been a long-standing member of the IACA and have always enjoyed the networking and learning that naturally come with belonging to a professional association.  In 2019, I ran for IACA Secretary and started on the IACA Executive Board in January 2020.

Since joining the IACA board, we have seen an increase of approximately 3,000 new members and we are now nearing the 7,000 mark!  We have worked alongside our incredible committee members who all give many hours of their time to volunteer for the betterment of analysts around the world.  Some of the more recent activities and accomplishments include:

  • Forging partnerships with universities;
  • Updating training classes and webinars;
  • Developing an entirely new foundational certification;
  • Introducing a new website for more efficient membership management, communication and increased forum activity;
  • Initiating revisions to create the 4th edition of the IACA textbook;
  • Promoting membership with regional associations and chapters; and
  • Providing education and exposure to other international professional associations/trainings regarding the benefits of crime analysis.

I have been honored to represent the IACA over the past few years and hope that you will support me moving into the role of IACA Treasurer.  Having the chance to work with so many analysts around the world has been both humbling and rewarding and I will always strive to do my very best for the good of the entire membership. Thank you for your support.

Click here for a PDF of Kristen's statement


The voting period is closed. 


For more information or to interact with the candidates, visit the Elections Forum in Community (member login required). 

The Elections Committee will receive and respond to any complaints about election procedures or refer them to the IACA Ethics Committee.

Please contact the Elections Committee at [email protected] if you have any questions about the election process.